Harassment: ASML 1st team: team architect conflicts

❝A team architect role with a lot of overlap with the devteam.❞ Okay, so this is essentially utterly ridiculous. This essentially started as soon as I started working at ASML, with ASML being the customer of the consulting company. This story was forcibly made relevant, because ASML seemed to think it funny to set up circumstances in the third team to eerily similarly reflect those of the “team architect” conflicts in the first team. Except, when I joined the third team in the role of “team architect” (which I always – I think correctly – mentioned is not really or very limitedly an “architect” role, due to the limited scope), by then I had a very clear view of how I would fill it in to not interfere with other team members.

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Harassment: ASML licensing (partial)

❝The licensing mechanism (still?) used by ASML.❞ I decided to make this my first post after the introduction, because ASML has been an integral part of a coordinated long-term harassment that has been going on for 20 years. For 5+ years afterwards, I have tried to make things work, while having to deal with persistent, continuous harassment, abuse, and threats about supposed “bad things” I did. I don’t mean “someone remarks something nasty or points at something”. I mean persistent, continuous actions both on-line and off-line, continuously exposing me to obvious misrepresented situations and facts in order to attack me.

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Coordinated harassment - introduction

❝Introduction to a series on coordinated harassment in the Netherlands.❞ So, it has become apparent, mostly by means of persistent years-long manipulation, fraud, abuse and harassment, that there is a pervasive attitude of coordinated harassment. This resulted in being needlessly attacked at various companies, i.e. employers, and an incessant obsessive need of people to deceive and make up arbitrary lies. This has been a pervasive presence in most places that I have been at, to varying degrees. This is my way of documenting all the crap I’ve had to deal with, that will focus for a large part on employers as one tends to spend a significant amount of time in employment and knowingly or not and willingly or not gets exposed to these practices.

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Encoding: prefixed-compact

❝A new, compact, prefix-based binary encoding for structuring bytes.❞ prefixed-compact is a prefix-based binary encoding with a limited, compact header for structured serialization of bytes. Introduction The starting point were TLV, LTV, and similar “on-the-wire” value-representations. TLVs and LTVs are straight-forward, there is little overhead and they are easy to read. However, they are also very limited. They encode a type (which an application may not know/understand/support) and a length and value. The length allows skipping over the “value”-body, such that unsupported/unknown types can be ignored and skipped over.

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Nostrkey - a program for nostr identities with hardware protection

❝Nostrkey is a program for TKey that provides functionality for hardware-protected nostr identities.❞ Nostrkey is a small TKey-program and demonstration client that offers three levels of protection for nostr-identities supported by hardware. Each level has its own benefits and drawbacks. Nostrkey, as a project, additionally serves as a small code-base “spin-off” from a larger project and proving-ground. What is a TKey? TKey is a novel kind of security device. It offers an internal secret, a very minimal firmware, and an ability to load small arbitrary programs that each receive their own derivation of this (inaccessible) internal secret.

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A simple, asymmetric AKE

❝A simple, (as-of-yet unidentified) asymmetric Authenticated Key Exchange❞ In an experiment, I came across a need for a simple authenticated key exchange. It started as a stop-gap measure that is just a key exchange, no considerations for any kind of attacker. Just the minimal working solution with standard building blocks. From there, I extended the solution to protect against an attacker. Introduction The use-case is a user and a “service-provider” of some kind, in my case a device. The device responds to requests, performs computations in a separate computing environment and is, in this particular case, connected by USB port.

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Very old project: driverinf

❝A very old project, used extensively during my teens for retrieving installed drivers (files) on Windows-systems.❞ I recently found one of the first (useful) programming projects that I wrote. I worked at a small computer-shop in town for a few years as part-time job next to my studies. The one constant was asking .. almost begging .. for people to search for their driver-CDs. They would bring their computers, ask us to solve their problems and if a reinstallation was necessary, then we would need to have a very specific driver for the device, actually even more specifically the exact device identifiers, of that piece of hardware.

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Prevent linux system freezes because of dm-crypt

❝dm-crypt does not always handle I/O gracefully when slow storage devices are involved.❞ TL;DR dm-crypt is designed to include (global) workqueues for its processing of block I/O operations. The design is somewhat aged, and consequently some effects are mostly undesirable, because block devices and layered filesystems have evolved past the need. Workqueues can be disabled with a configuration option. This avoids freezes because of device-mapper operations on slow media. This seems to be an issue that, although recognized and investigated, remains largely unknown. This is unfortunate, because the fix is available and fairly simple.

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Indicators for human advancement [Part 1]

❝My exploration and re-envisioning of a core idea from ‟The Third Industrial Revolution” by Jeremy Rifkin❞ TL;DR I propose a different triple. One that matches closer with human progression: any kind of handling of energy, information, physicals. The pattern itself is trivial and broad. Things become more interesting when considering how these classes interoperate. The triple energy-communication-infrastructure (by Jeremy Rifkin) can be used to select, together with knowledge of real-world events, the right combination of developments as they are happening. “Shifts in human conciousness happen when new energy revolutions converge with communication revolution.

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Analysis: the right angle

❝Differences in preference may be trivially explained if approached from the right angle.❞ TL;DR this post goes into how big the difference is for a transportation enjoyer and the car industry. The enjoyer needs only look at the benefits (and possible costs and trade-offs), while the car industry has to adapt a complete supply-chain to a shifted balance of qualities. It is fully understandable that this is easier on the enjoyer than the industry. However, it also shows how trivial it is for genuine benefits to persist once they are proved possible, and consequently hard to reject/resist, and almost impossible to deny.

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